One of the biggest human health questions in our medical and educational communities is why so many youths and adults seem to lack the ability to be calm and focused, learn necessary skills, or function well in a regular classroom.
Children growing into adults with many of the same problems prompted Associated Interventions and Counseling, Inc. (AICI) of Ogden, UT to research the problem using a new hypothesis.
Obvious conclusions can be drawn about this growing problem. We know that the foods we eat carry residual chemicals with which they and the soil were treated. We also know the basic eating habits and styles of industrialized nations reflect more additives and preservatives while lacking the nutrient density present in the foods of our ancestors. Armed with these facts, AICI proposed that the use of mineral supplements might improve the functioning and learning capabilities of children and adults.
Participants were given a TOVA (Test of Variable Attentiveness) to measure impulsivity, hyperactivity, poor reaction time, or difficulty staying on task. They were then administered Concentrated Mineral Drops (CMD). These minerals were given to them orally in juice. Subsequent TOVAs were administered and nearly 80 percent of the subjects showed a significant decrease in impulsivity, hyperactivity, reaction time, or variability. The effects cannot be denied. It is clear that both the adults and the children reduced their negative characteristics at significant measures and with administration of a natural product instead of the use of potentially dangerous drugs.
Further investigation into this new information reported of better work performance in adults and youth, a greater calmness, less anxiety, decreased stress, and an increase in the ability to follow directions and complete tasks.
It is important to note that the minerals were not designed to “cure.” Proper nutrition allows the body to cure itself in many cases if Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Sulfur, Phosphorous, Boron, Iron, Manganese, Copper, and Zinc are present in our soil and therefore in our bodies. These mineral elements along with many trace elements such as Cobalt, Molybdenum, Selenium, Silicon, Vanadium and others work in synergy to manifest all the enzymes, proteins, amino acids, and vitamins the body needs for optimum health.
The result of this study indicates that the body, upon the intake of natural, ionic minerals, moves towards homeostasis or balance on its own. Our bodies cannot work without the correct balance of minerals and other necessary components, and our current society is not receiving them nutritionally.
The next post in this series will address specific foods, grown or raised in healthy soil and environments, and how these foods nourish and benefit us.
Source: Mineral Resources International, Inc., Attention Behavior, and Minerals, by R.H Anderson, PhD., LCSW